
Colloquia & Seminars

Computer Science Colloquia & Seminars are held each semester and sponsored by the Computer Science department. Faculty invite speakers from all areas of computer science, and the talks are open to all members of the RPI community. 

Competitions and Hackathons

Multi-disciplinary teams get together to develop solutions to a specified problem or along a specified theme.  Hackathons are typically short, running anywhere from a 8 hours to 1-2 days, and have prizes for participants based on the quality and/or uniqueness of their contributions.  Competitions are more variable, and can range from a Hackathon level event up to a semester long event with multiple round and presentations.

Thesis Defenses & Grad Student Poster Sessions

During their thesis defense, PhD candidates introduce and motivate the problems they attacked during their course of studies, defend the novelty and significance of their research, and contextualize their contributions within their field. This is the final step in the process of obtaining a PhD, and a successful defense indicates the acknowledgment of the doctoral #committee that the candidate is an expert in their field. The defense talks are open to all members of the RPI community, and we welcome those interested to attend.

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