

Sibel Adali
Associate Dean of Science for Research and Graduate Studies
Elliot Anshelevich
Christopher Carothers
Professor and Director, Center for Computational Innovations (CCI)
Barbara Cutler
Associate Professor
Dan DiTursi
Sr. Lecturer
Tianfan Fu
Assistant Professor
Jianxi Gao
Associate Professor
Alex Gittens
Assistant Professor
David Goldschmidt
Executive Officer
James Hendler
Tetherless World Senior Constellation Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Science and Director of the Future of Computing Institute
Radoslav Ivanov
Assistant Professor
Neha Keshan
Yao Ma
Assistant Professor
Deborah McGuinness
Tetherless World Senior Constellation Chair, Professor of Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Industrial and Systems Engineering
Ana Milanova
Associate Professor
Mohammad Mohammadi Amiri
Assistant Professor
Uzma Mushtaque
Stacy Patterson
Associate Professor
Oshani Seneviratne
Assistant Professor
George Slota
Assistant Professor
Chuck Stewart
John Sturman
Bolek Szymanski
Claire & Roland Schmitt Distinguished Prof. of Computer Science and Director, Network Science and Technology Center (NeST)
Wes Turner
Senior Lecturer
Carlos Varela
Lirong Xia
Associate Professor
Jidong Xiao
Sr. Lecturer
Bulent Yener
Associate Director, IDEA. Director, Data Science Research Center
Lei Yu
Assistant Professor
Mohammed Zaki
Professor and CS Department Head

Affiliated Faculty

Kristin Bennett
Associate Director of the IDEA
Selmer Bringsjord
Professor, Lab Director, Graduate-Program Director
Chris Bystroff
Liu Liu
Assistant Professor
Sergei Nirenburg
Mark Shephard
Samuel A. Johnson '37 and Elizabeth C. Johnson Professor of Engineering and Director, Scientific Computation Research Center (SCOREC)
Ron Sun
Professor and Department Head
Tomek Strzalkowski
Tong Zhang


W Randolph Franklin
Professor Emeritus
Ephraim Glinert
Professor Emeritus
David Musser
Professor Emeritus
Edwin Rogers
Professor Emeritus
David Spooner
Professor Emeritus
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