Colloquia & Seminars

Computer Science Colloquia & Seminars are held each semester and sponsored by the Computer Science department. Faculty invite speakers from all areas of computer science, and the talks are open to all members of the RPI community. 

Human-ML Collaboration and the Role of Explainable ML

Kasun Amarasinghe from Carnegie Mellon University
Machine Learning (ML) systems that inform real-world decisions are typically parts of larger sociotechnical systems, involve multiple human stakeholders, and rely on human-ML collaboration at different stages of the development and deployment pipelin

Towards Behavior-Informed Machine Learning

Chien-Ju Ho from Washington University
Machine learning (ML) has seamlessly integrated into various facets of humans' everyday lives, largely drawing from human data for its training.

Intelligent Software in the Era of Deep Learning

Yuke Wang from University of California, Santa Barbara
With the end of Moore's Law and the rise of compute- and data-intensive deep-learning (DL) applications, the focus on arduous new processor design has shifted towards a more effective and agile approach -- Intelligent Software to maximize the perform

Quantum Computing Now: A Tensor Approach

Xiao-Yang (Yanglet) Liu from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Quantum algorithms claim to outperform classical algorithms by harnessing computational and communication properties unique to quantum systems, such as superposition and entanglement, e.g., Shor's factoring algorithm and Grover's algorithm.

Statistical-Computational Tradeoffs in Random Optimization Problems

Eren Kizildag from Columbia University
Optimization problems with random objective functions are central in computer science, probability, and modern data science. Despite their ubiquity, finding efficient algorithms for solving these problems remains a major challenge.

Security of Quantum Computing Systems

Jakob Szefer from Yale University
Quantum computer device research continues to advance rapidly to improve size and fidelity of the quantum computers.
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