NeST Center Recruiting for Paid Game Participation

RPI’s NeST Center is designing an exciting conversational game study aimed at exploring how people influence each other on the internet. We are looking for students to participate in this conversational game through a simple web-based application, which can be used on your phone or computer, remotely. All participants will receive $10 for playing a full round of the game. Furthermore, players with exceptional performance will have their compensation doubled. Compensation will be provided in the form of Amazon gift cards that will be emailed to you.

The conversational game will last about one hour, including a short exit survey that participants must take upon the conclusion of the game. Interested students need only join our Discord channel using this link: Once joined, students will have multiple opportunities to easily participate in a game according to their availability during the week.

This research is led by Prof. Szymanski and research scientist Dr. Flamino, with the help of grad students Shahid Modi and Brendan Cross. If you have any questions, please email us at

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